Meet samantha Intuitive Psychotherapist & Spiritual Coach

Your professional guide to

Holistic & Spiritual Healing

  • 1:1 Coaching

    This is the perfect service for someone wanting spiritual guidance and support. Individuals that are feeling lost and are unsure where to go in their healing journey. We will work on your specific goals to become back connected to your higher self.

  • Hypnotherapy

    This service assists people that want a mind-body approach to correcting thoughts, feelings, behaviors, emotions and memories that may be causing you to be at a stuck point in your life. It allows you to reset your system and return to your sense of self.

  • holistic healing

    Explore different areas of healing that connect with your mind, body, soul and spirit. Tapping into healing at the inner level, in order to heal the outer level. This method includes: chakra healing, energy healing, hypnotherapy, past life regression, sound healing, readings and more.


You want to find a way to love and accept yourself fully, flaws and all.

You have not been able to find your voice, because it has been silenced for so long. 

Your religious upbringing is conflicting with your present beliefs, and the biases are haunting you. 

You are queer and spiritual and trying to accept that both of those can coexist.

You have been raised to help others, but have never helped yourself. And helping yourself feels selfish. 

You grew up having to wear a mask in public and now you don’t know how to remove the mask. 

You are having a difficult time with stepping into who you are versus who others want you to be. 

You have spiritual gifts, but were taught that these can only be used within the church.

You are wondering, how can I embrace my gifts without being looked at differently?

You have an unknown sense of passion and purpose and want to find some guidance.

You are fearful of showing up as yourself, because you fear you will be rejected.

If you resonated with any of the these, I know how we can push past all of this, because this WAS me.

I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. It’s a journey of recovery. It’s a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. It’s already there.

— Billy Corgan

Samantha Bell-Walker
Intuitive Psychotherapist & Spiritual Coach